No gift is more special than a pure handmade nutritious soap.  There is no Bad or Ugly, only Good in such a bar.  We use essential oils when we want to.  Sometimes we do not.  We make soaps with no scents for those of you who have very gentle noses and skin.   Like our Charcoal Clay, our Moringa, our Shampoo Basic and our Baby Castile.  Made for the noses where little scent works.

But we do love natural scent.  People smell our soaps and sigh, “Oh, how lovely.  Earthy.  Fresh.”  Breaths of lavender or sandalwood or patchouli or lemongrass.  Subtle and seductive.  And just as special as that first kiss, our soaps continue to nourish a relationship with your skin.

You do need a soap dish.  Sigh!  No spouts or pumps with all natural bars.  More work maybe, but more benefits too.  It is worth the trouble.  Please do not compare a truly natural soap bar with a commercial soap bar.  That is like comparing dogs to donuts.  Most commercial bars are not soap at all.  They claim to be.  They put down real soap and say it will dry out your skin and leave a film.  Clever marketing and so not true.

Imagine a soap commercial that reads like a drug ad:

'You will love our gentle soap.  No messy bars.  No film residue.  An easy pump dispenses pure natural goodness.  Comes in 7 different fragrances.
Side effects may include: Extremely dry skin, may cause redness, irritations, and increased toxicity to skin. Contains known carcinogenic ingredients.'

Let’s LOVE the soap we choose.  Reminiscent of times of yore, of back home, of homemade.  Pure.  
Discover for yourself.  Love yourself head to toe with soap.  A gift of soap for you or a loved one is a special gift indeed.  
