A lip caress with with raw brown sugar and a little oil. What could be sweeter?
Sugar acts as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells, making your lips soft. The perfect pucker.

Sugar scrubs can be delightful for the whole body, but I particularly like the idea for the lips. Whatever we touch to our lips, we taste, so it might as well be pleasant.

The following is a recipe (verbatim) I found in Alive Magazine. (Here is another I found online, but same idea)

1. Soften dry or chapped lips tenderly exfoliating with a brown sugar moistened with a few drops of olive oil.
2. Apply to lips and let sit for a few minutes.
3.  With a wet cotton washcloth or fingertip, gently rub mixture into lips in a circular pattern.
4. Rinse with water. Follow with lip balm.

I would substitute emu or argan for the olive oil simply because it has a higher amount of vitamin E. But olive oil is just fine. I would use raw brown sugar because that is what I have in my cupboard. Brown sugar contains molasses, which does have more nutrition so I opt for that. But let’s face it. Consuming sugar is NOT a good idea. We all eat far too much because it is so difficult to avoid. If we could only stick to teasing our lips…

Please, no willy-nilly decision on your lip balm choice.
So many lip balms are dangerous. So many contain fragrances, chemicals, drying agents. You must choose a good natural healthy balm, chemical free, no color, no flavour, only perfect pucker ingredients.

Our lip balm choices are emu or argan.

Springtime is the perfect time for perfect lips. Thank you, Nature.


