OK, go ahead. Eat the apple too. Both will keep the doctor away. Especially if the treat is organic.

I know of the controversy: organic vs. non-organic. I also know that many studies out there are skewed in favor of the preferred result, so whom do we believe?

I believe Grandma. She lovingly planted her carrot seeds, using fresh black earth and natural fertilizer from her compost heap, hovering over the baby sprouts with her watering can, encouraging the carrot root to delve deep and absorb the earth’s delicious minerals.

I see her smile as she recalls the harvest. Pulling the carrot straight from the patch, gently rinsing off the clinging black earth (preferably with the garden hose) and then chomp, the bitter sweet taste of a real carrot.

A bright red orange root. Organically grown. Not skinned, peeled or stored in bleach.

Certainly not sprayed with the one or many of the 42 pesticides choices that are available.

A carrot farmer today can use any of the toxic pesticides:  Bensulide, Chlorothalonil, Imidacloprid, Oxamyl, and Propiconazole. 
I like the study (Organically grown) showing that people consuming a carotendoid-rich diet had a 60 per cent reduction in coronary artery disease compared to those who ate less than one serving.

I also like the fact that a high carotenoid intake has also been linked with a decrease in the incidence of breast, lung, and prostate cancer.

A diet incorporating as little as one carrot per day has the potential to reduce the rate of lung cancer by up to 50 per cent.

An organic carrot has been shown to be higher in nutrients.
Let us not be teased by the ' carrot on the stick’.  Let's capture it.


