Although spring is here, some of us are still feeling the repercussions from the Holiday Season.

If you, dear reader, work for Canada Post, this is not personal.  I know you work hard.  The past Holiday Season was overwhelming and among the millions of packages seeking a destination, some were bound to go astray.  Such as order number 98263. 

On December 12th, 2016, we mailed an Earth to Body natural skin care package to Karen.  It arrived the following year.  This errant package took a journey that lasted 37 days, crossing the prairies and the mountains, maybe more than once.  We shall never know.

While Karen patiently waited, accepting that she missed her Christmas gift giving, we dealt with Canada Post.   2017 began.   Package still MIA.   By mid January, we ignored Canada Post’s advice NOT to resend.  We send Karen another package. EXPRESS. 
   We continued to correspond with Karen, pondering over the missing package.

Of course the first package arrived almost in unison with the second.   Now Karen had two.  After all she had gone through, we recommended she just keep both.

Karen wrote:

To the incredible women at Earth To Body,
To say I was astounded at your response to me is an understatement.  I certainly didn’t expect you to tell me to just ‘enjoy’ your products…but will accept your very gracious offer in the ‘amazing customer service way’ that you intended.
 I have been thoroughly impressed by your attentiveness to my missing parcel, and your kindness to me.  I thought would also mention that I read your note to people on my team at work and they could not believe a company would be so generous to a customer. They have asked me to forward your website to them, along with my review of your products, and I will be happy to do so.  And last, thank you for renewing my faith in organizations.  In the past two months, I have been dealing with the CRA, my bank and the issuer of my credit card (and frankly, it has been brutal). Your obvious concern about my order, and my complete satisfaction has warmed my heart.
 Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Earth to Body responded:

“You have made OUR day.  It is we who thank you for your understanding and patience. We all have stress overload during holiday time.  Online shopping is supposed to be painless. No snowstorms, nor parking woes, no angry mobs or frustrated sales personnel to deal with.  Online service should only require a short wait for the package to arrive.   In a perfect world.  Thank you for sharing your ‘story’ with your co-workers.  We are a small family business and we do sincerely care.  It is customers like you who continue to make us love what we do. We all know what it is like to deal with the robotic world.  We are supposed to be connected, but so often no one knows what is going on and we find ourselves repeating our plight over and over to the clerk, the sous manager, the regular manager, the chief manager.  Often we are transferred halfway around the world and then oops… we loose connection. ‘ Start over.  Press 1 for service in Latin, 2 for ‘Get Really Upset’, 3 for ‘Pull Out Your Hair’, 4 for ‘No Service at All’, or 6 ‘Return to Main Nightmare’.’
And you handle all this in ZEN.  You are a special lady!

