220 ml

« Ce beurre de sheamu riche et crémeux et naturel à 100 pour cent contient nos deux ingrédients précieux, soit l’huile d’émeu (fondu en Australie) et de beurre de shea (commerce équitable, Burkina Faso). Ce produit luxueux adoucit et assouplit les peaux les plus rugueuses et desséchées. Il convient idéalement à atténuer les vergetures de grossesse et à amoindrir les cicatrices. Lisez ci-dessous et découvrez toutes les qualités exceptionnelles de chacune des composantes. » Earth To Body 

Notre beurre Sheamu est non raffiné, non désodorisé et maintenu à l’état naturel; il faudra le fouetter légèrement pour lui donner une apparence plus crémeuse et le laisser fondre doucement dans la paume de la main avant de l’appliquer sur la peau. Il met à peine quelques minutes pour s’absorber dans la peau, mais ne laisse aucun résidu gras. Un hydratant formidable!

Tous les ingrédients de ce produit

  • Beurre de karité,
  • Huile d’émeu,
  • Extrait de pépins de citron

Le beurre de karité nous vient de la noix de karité qui se trouve à l’intérieur du fruit de l’arbre à beurre d’Afrique. Notre beurre de karité biologique, non raffiné, nous vient d’une coopérative de commerce équitable au Burkina Faso. Après qu’on l’ait cultivé, la noix est extraite sans l’usage de produits chimiques, asséchée, puis convertie en beurre. Cet arbre peut mettre jusqu’à 30 ans avant de produire une récolte de noix contenant une concentration élevée d’acides gras inamovibles. Ce sont ces acides gras inamovibles qui confèrent au beurre de karité ses qualités apaisantes et restauratrices. Le beurre de karité renferme également des vitamines A et E. Aucun agent de conservation et aucune matière colorante n’entrent dans la fabrication du beurre; comme tout karité naturel, il dégage cette odeur de noisette qui lui est propre. Le beurre de karité non raffiné est un produit versatile très actif qui s’emploie dans les produits de soin de la peau et des cheveux; ses propriétés antivieillissantes, calmantes et hydratantes sont exceptionnelles.

L’huile d’émeu fait partie des us et coutumes des aborigènes de l’Australie depuis des milliers d’années. Nous employons une huile naturelle qui a été ni bouillie ni filtrée à l’argile. Des études scientifiques ont démontré que cette huile d’émeu renferme des propriétés singulières : on l’a même surnommée « l’or liquide » et « l’émollient parfait de dame nature ». L’huile d’émeu est non toxique, et on découvre sans cesse ses bienfaits partout sur la planète. Ses qualités hydratantes et apaisantes sont exceptionnelles.

L’extrait de pépins de citron (citrus medica limonum) est une essence bio-agrume aide à contrôler la manifestation de champignons et de bactéries.


K.S.  Wainfleet, ON

I just wanted to take some time to thank you for helping to make my feet look normal again. I had an amazing experience with your sheamu butter product that I purchased at the Marshville Heritage Festival in Wainfleet earlier this month. I work on boats so my feet are constantly wet. My heels started to crack so bad that they were starting to open up. The day that I went to the Marshville Festival with my mom she actually had to bandage my feet because they were so bad that I had a limp when I walked. One of your staff was so wonderful and suggested we try the sheamu butter. By day 2 of using it, I was already starting to notice it healing, and I didn't have to limp anymore. I use a little bit of this butter on the heels of my feet every day and the change is incredible how much it has helped. I have been suggesting this product to everyone I come across that has had the same problem as me. Big thank you to your team.

Gail, Brantford, ON 2011

I absolutely have gone bonkers over your Sheamu butter. I had had just shea butter before and couldn't get it to rub into my skin no matter what I tried. With the emu mixed in with it, it goes on so easy and is quickly absorbed.

Christina Switzer

I am currently 5 months pregnant and have been using the Sheamu Butter on my belly since I was 2 months along. I will put it on before I go to bed and you can still feel it working in the morning. I love it!

Sudbury, ON

I am undergoing chemotherapy and my skin is unbelievably dry. I met you at a craft show and you suggested I try your sheamu butter as it spreads far, is excellent all over the body, and that I would benefit from both the emu and the shea. You would not believe the difference in my skin. My oncologist is so amazed she is recommending it to her patients. Thank you making such a pure natural product.

DH, Vermont

I order your Sheamu Butter all the time and I notice that it can vary from batch to batch. I did what you suggested and really played with it in the jar until it was super creamy (like mashed potatoes!). I had to hold it a bit longer in my palms to melt but once it was melted it spreads beautifully. It is worth the effort and the results are fantastic. My skin is never dry.

Jodi Edwards
Verified purchase

I know it should be impossible but your Sheamu Butter is removing my stretch marks!! Love it!

Thank you, Jodi!

Kathlynn from Ottawa

I have been using this butter as well as the shargan butter before I go swimming. It is the perfect solution to not absorbing the toxic chlorine from the water in the pool. I spread it all over my body. It creates a barrier to the absorption of the chlorine. Before discovering that I could use it this way, I would smell chlorine on my body for a week after swimming. I am grateful to have such wonderful products! Thanks.

Thank you for adding to our knowledge about this butter. It is one of our most popular products to protect and nourish.

Lesley Toronto

I absolutely love this product. As a weight lifter with hemorrhoids that only come back due to my work outs, I apply a dollop of this product on my hemorrhoid both overnight & after showers or swimming. It controls the swelling & itch like NO OTHER PRODUCT EVER!!! It has successfully replaced all other products that did NOTHING! And it works beautifully in all other parts of your body.

The unrefined emu and organically gown unrefined shea are at their highest in nutrition, as you have discovered. Thank you for sharing, Lesley.

Elizabeth, H. ON

10 years ago I had to have a surgery on my thumb. The only cream that I was applying on the incision was your Sheamu butter. The wound healed amazingly fast and now you cannot even see the scar on my hand. 

The combination of emu and shea is truly a remarkable blend. Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth.

Amy in London ON

This is THE ONLY PRODUCT I'VE EVER FOUND that my viciously dry, sensitive skin actually likes in the winter! And the people at Earth to Body are wonderful--I got a defective tin in my last order that I couldn't open, and they immediately both replied to my email and dropped a new tin in the mail for me, free. A great business with wonderful products.

Thank you, Amy...so glad you love the Sheamu!

Lisa, Muskoka, ON

"Love, love, love the Sheamu Butter! This tub of amazingness will last you for ages and corrects the balance of your skin and protects it from the harsh but necessary hand sanitizers. Night time application is the best because you can slather it everywhere and wake up to beautiful, soft and nourished skin. Oh - and great for preventing stretch marks! Rub that butter all over to allow your skin to bounce back from any tightness you are experiencing."

So glad you love the butter, Lisa. Thank you.


We love Sheamu Butter -- before and after sun; winter use keeps all dry skin and eczema away. The only solution for my drying eye lids!

Yes, our Sheamu is an all season wonder. Thank you, Olga.

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