Springtime conjures up images of fresh green grass, bouncing bunny ears and cotton tails, red, yellow and purple tulip buds delighting the gardens and rows upon rows of impending lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts and carrots.  Ah….carrots.

Carrots are a happy colour.  They are sweet and nutritious and the oil extracted from the carrot seeds is an extraordinary gift from nature.

Springtime and summer sun means the skin needs a different type of protection and carrot seed oil can offer that.  Good oils always offer some protection.

We use carrot seed oil in our revitalizing eye oil, which was designed for use around the eyes.  But as many of our customers have discovered, “why stop there?”  The camellia, rosehip, argan, sea buckthorn and carrot oil love the entire face! 

Carrot seed oil blends well with other oils and should always be mixed with a good carrier oil (like Argan) rather than be applied directly onto the skin.

The commercial market does offer sun protection products that do contain carrot seed oil, but unfortunately, they are often in a mineral base (an inexpensive petroleum source), which is NOT desirable to most people.

It is always wise to research an essential oil to understand all of its properties.  Remember that ingesting  an oil will have different effects than when used as cosmetic oil.
Dr. Mercola reviews carrot seed oil.

The flowing quote explains why carrot seed oil is highly prized on the skin.

"Carrot seed oil highly valued for skin care. It is used in skin creams to nourish, tighten, revitalize, and rejuvenate skin.
It visibly improves skin tone, elasticity, and general skin health. 
It is claimed to slow the progression of visible wrinkles.
Carrot Seed Oil is calming and appropriate for irritated skin.
It is a good, essential oil for anyone who spends time outdoors.
Carrot seed oil has high activity antioxidant properties."

Carrot seed oil is also in our zinc oxide.

Springtime, sunshine and carrots…a good blend.

Both the zinc oxide and the revitalizing eye oil are offered in our Contest Mother's Day Package.








