(Jasper is one of the youngest members of the Earth to Body family.  He is an avid reader and writer and has a particular fondness for plants and animals.  We asked Jasper to share with you and he chose to write on one of his fav's, aloe vera.)

Succulent Aloe Vera

Don’t let the rough and prickly outer surface of the magical aloe vera plant fool you. The rich, fruity insides have many alluring properties. From aloe cakes to antibacterial oils, there is an almost indefinite list of positive features to this convenient health benefactor from heaven.Some of the many potential charitable properties of the aloe vera plant include reducing dental plaque, lowering blood sugar when consumed and accelerating healing cuts and wounds (my friends and I enjoyed snapping off a spine and lightly rubbing the cool gel on our cuts at school). Its nutritional value and extensive healing benefits make it so popular.

Nutritional Values

Aloe Vera gel contains vitamins A, B, C and E. These are antioxidants and help prevent radicals which can cause cancer over time. Along with the many healthy minerals and amino acids, aloe vera is used worldwide to treat osteoarthritis, bowels diseases, asthma and even diabetes. Many symptoms it can soothe include stomach pains, sunburns, itching, fever and constipation. With it being substantially sought after by cosmetics, pharmacist and food industries, aloe racks up an estimated annual 13 billion dollars!

In the Food Market

As stated above aloe vera is a very widely marketed plant used in many nutritional recipes and or consumed alone. Some popular uses are commercial or homemade drinks (which is basically chunks of aloe gel floating in sugared water, something I drink every day, sometimes adding mango or lemon or warming Chai with aloe tonic There are also delicious aloe vera cakes, brownies and puddings.

In Earth to Body

The way Earth to Body makes full use of the aloe vera plant warms me. It has always been a powerful and multi-used ingredient that I am happy is being used to help people who love nature just like we do. The soothing gels, butters and thick juices are ideal for caring for your skin when outdoors. Aloe gel, a plant based sunburn treatment will help care for burns and prevent the aging of skin with powerful amino acids which are absorbed into the skin around the eyes to prevent unwanted wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness. The minerals, acids and vitamins also accelerate the healing and numb the pain of canker sores, by stopping the inflammation. 


Focus on Aloe for Men for Father’s Day

These are reasons why Earth to Body uses soothing aloe in many of their products, such as the lip balms, sanitizers and lotions. Aloe Vera is an important ingredient in many men's gels, aftershaves and skincare.  Earth to Body's Moisturizing Lotion with aloe is a favorite for its silky, creamy feel and its wonderful, citrusy smell (sometimes I just use it for the irresistible fragrance). This particular Earth to Body product soothes and calms, dry, itchy or damaged skin with the addition of aloe, emu and neem oil. This is a particularly useful lotion for men, as it can help irritated or damaged skin as a cause from shaving.

Another aloe vera product worth mentioning for its amazing healthcare is the Zinc Oxide. Deeply satisfied customers claim it irreplaceable. The zinc oxide can soothe rashes, eczema, and protect against weather.The zinc oxide is great for aging men with wrinkles, pimples, acne or infected skin, as this immune boosting salve discourages viral, bacterial and fungal growths and infections in or on the body.

So if you are having skin or body issues and you want only the best, 100% organic ingredients straight from the earth, Earth to Body can help you.

Thank you for reading and I wish you all a good day.

~Jasper P.    Age 12




