29 Sep 2015
natural face paint
Halloween is one of kid’s favorite holidays. Transforming them selves. Leaving the house after dark.  Entering neighbor’s spooky yards. And of course, to Mom’s detriment… the...
04 Aug 2015
Chia. Chia.  A super food for body and skin.  Sustaining, nourishing and gourmet. This beautiful purple flowered herb (Mint family) is native to Mexico and Guatemala.It is the...
15 Jul 2015
sun illustration
We all know the harmful effects of the sun. Sunburn. Heat stroke. Premature skin aging. Skin Damage. Skin disease. And of course the “Big C”. And that’s not to mention the...
10 Jul 2015
modern day female body ideal
  'To all the girls that think you're fat because you’re not a size zero, You’re the beautiful one. It’s society who’s ugly.' -Marilyn Monroe She seduces us with her flawless skin...
22 Jun 2015
Spring wouldn’t be spring without the emergence of flowers popping up in gardens, pots, parks and fields. It must be a combination of their delicate beauty, their vibrant color...
10 Apr 2015
Springtime conjures up images of fresh green grass, bouncing bunny ears and cotton tails, red, yellow and purple tulip buds delighting the gardens and rows upon rows of impending...
06 Feb 2015
earth to body 100% natural self-massage products
Let’s face it. Now-a-days, Self Care has fallen to the bottom of our to-do lists, even below wash car and organize garage. Sometimes, it is so absent from our habitual routine it...
05 Feb 2015
patchouli paradox
For many, the scent of patchouli is nostalgic of the hippy flower child era. Not only is the fragrance reminiscent of enhancing the freedom of speech, sexuality and open...
09 Jan 2015
moringa tree
Do you beat and twist the fibers to make ropes and mats? Do you extract the wood sap to make a blue dye for fabric? Do you treat your skin to the precious soft kernel oil?  Do...
04 Nov 2014
natural tooth cleanser
Are you sick and tired of the chemicals in your and your children’s toothpaste? So were we. Earth to Body is proud to present a truly GREEN tooth cleanser! Your teeth will love...
