19 sep 2023
Remember the shampoo you found hiding in the back of the bathroom cupboard, a gift from a boyfriend you wanted to forget?  Well, times change and memories fade and it’s been over...
12 sep 2023
From Pineapple to Kale, Kiwi to Broccoli, Lemon to Sprouts, Ascorbic acid reigns. Not only should this Vitamin C, aka Ascorbic Acid, be consumed daily, it should also be offered...
03 sep 2023
When you find a scrub that just does it all, well, life just seems to be perfect. Whenever I visit a friend or we take a vacation together, I always bring my box of goodies. Soaps...
27 aoû 2023
Suds 1 Ms. Eva Bluebird finishes creating and then consuming a delicious fried chicken stir-fry dinner in her hotel kitchen suite. There are not enough dishes for even the small...
22 aoû 2023
Llamas love lavender. So do we. Ask them and they will tell you the smell of real lavender is heavenly.  A few years ago, while camping in our RV and working the 18-day Canadian...
15 aoû 2023
He is only eight years old and covered in itching. An all over dryness that cannot be shed.  His name is Kev and he scratches constantly.Kev’s parents were distraught to say the...
10 aoû 2023
He said:“You think it’s my spray making me sick? Seriously? It feels so good.  We both love the scent. Do you really think that my asthma is aggravated by my Axe Phoenix Body...
05 aoû 2023
You have a small jar of Earth to Body Tooth Cleanser sitting in front of you. You wonder why it is  in a small jar and not in the more concenient tube? * You read the instructions...
24 juil 2023
K2 mountain in Central Asia is the second highest peak to Everest.  A tough mountain to climb. There is vitamin by the same name. Vitamin K2. Let’s appreciate its magnificence. ...
20 juil 2023
Aaron has a cough and fears a cold is coming on. His throat is drawing attention. “You best try antibiotics for that cough” a friend suggests. “I prefer to use honey first. I...
