How are your feet?   Last spring, I wrote 'Your Neem Footprint' discussing neem* and feet.  People were thinking about wearing sandals and were concerned about the condition of their feet. The calluses, the toenail fungus, the itchiness, the cracked heels. 

It is time to revisit this issue.  We tend to neglect our feet, especially in the winter months when they are under cover.  Need I remind you?  Winter is here.  Start using neem throughout the winter months so that by spring your feet will be presentable and sandal worthy.   And if you never don sandals, rest assured that your shoes and socks will be proud to grace perfect soles.           

Your feet may relish our Neem Salve and our Argan Neem Foot Cream.  Over the years we have heard many stories about both products and how people love them.  We have a friend who is a yoga teacher and since her feet are constantly being worked she always sought creams and massage oils to help her keep them well tuned.  She used to order a foot cream from the USA, but having tired ours she exclaimed, “The foot cream is marvelous.  Rich, creamy, moisturizing.  It is the best I have ever tried and I love that it is Canadian!”

A favourite tale tells of an 83-year-old grandmother who absolutely adored the foot cream.  One day she shyly confessed, “I love the scent so much, I wear the cream on my face.  Is that OK?”  I smiled.  “Absolutely.  The nutrition in the cream is purely natural.  No chemicals.  And there are no rules as to where to use it.”
While we might suggest the argan neem foot cream as a regular ‘maintenance cream’, our Neem Salve would be the one recommended for more serious foot issues.  People with diabetes often have foot woes.  Or if you are on your feet all day, wear construction boots, or encounter damp conditions you might suffer from fungled feet, itchy soles, and cracked heels.  Neem is the answer.

A few years ago at a June craft show in Windsor, Ontario a young woman entered our booth, proceeded to pick up 3 neem salves and carry them over to the cash.  I smiled and said, “Oh, I guess you like our neem salve.” She returned the smile. “I love the neem salve. It is the first time in four years that I am going to wear sandals this summer.  As a matter of fact, I am going sandal shopping this very weekend.  A friend told me about your salve, and I ordered some online.  You would have not believed my feet.  I do not really want to talk about it, only to say, they were not a pretty sight.  The salve started working after a few days, and especially well after a few weeks.  I kept using it, and now, well, here I am for more.  Do I need to keep the extra ones refrigerated?”
I agreed, “Yes, the fridge is good, but it is Ok for a few months to keep the one you are using at room temperature.”

Please also enjoy our natural, cold pressed Emu Neem soap and Nori Neem soap.  The soaps, the cream, the salve can be used anywhere on the body.  Let the entire body benefit.
All of our neem products are available at our shop or online.


*Neem Oil (azadirachtin indica) is pressed from the seed of the neem tree. This tree, native to eastern India and Burma, is known by several names including "village pharmacy," "cornucopia," "wonder tree," and "the veritable gold mine." Neem leaves, stems, seeds and oil have been used for medicinal purposes and pest control in India for more than 4,000 years. In fact, its Sanskrit name, arishta, means "reliever of sickness. In cosmetics, neem tones, nourishes and protects dry skin, keeping the skin healthy. This oil has moisturizing properties and contains Vitamin E as well as essential fatty acids. Neem oil is very useful for soothing itchy skin caused by dryness. Neem tree oil is also used in salves and creams that help to soothe and protect the skin. Neem is an extraordinary ingredient in cosmetic protects, creams, lotions, and soaps and is a wonderful alternative to chemicals that are so often a part of commercial mixes. 




