20 Jun 2024
Fact: The sun gives us life.Too much sun is dangerous.Protect Yourself Social media is touting the ‘’dangers of sunscreen’, warning us to be aware of the toxic ‘chemicals’ present...
21 May 2024
Curly, straight, thick, thin, kinky or silky, tamanu loves all hair.  And scalps. Nutritionally dense yet gentle, tamanu is an effective and versatile nut oil. It stimulates,...
07 May 2024
Imagine a product so 'skinlicious,' so versatile, that it tackles inflammation, fights acne, moisturizes, tones, and calms your skin simultaneously. If you reside in Canada,...
01 May 2024
Mama faces an eczema dilemma. Her tiny daughter, with long bouncy hair and an infectious grin just celebrated her 5th birthday. Her name is Hailey. Sadly, she suffers. Hailey’s...
18 Mar 2024
If you phonetically digested this title correctly, you read ‘jojoba’, the oil we so love in skin care. The sturdy desert ‘jojoba’ shrub lives 100-200 years! Found in Arizona, down...
25 Feb 2024
  ‘14 out of 16 ingredients in sunscreen are not safe' So admits the FDA. We are inundated with this relentless media mantra: ‘Don’t forget your sunscreen! Summer. Winter....
20 Jan 2024
cold water shower
We often tout the benefits of a cold shower, cold water. Years ago I wrote about the cold in   ‘Go Cold so no Cold’.  It’s winter. It’s flu season.  It’s time to remember cold can...
04 Jan 2024
Shake hands with a gardener, a mechanic, a landscaper and you may feel a roughness of their hard work. Admirable.  But perhaps, for them, uncomfortable at times. The answer might...
12 Dec 2023
Raw honey or fake honey? A good question. Raw is good. Fake is not. Chances are, even if you buy a honey that says honey, pure honey, looks like honey, tastes like honey and the...
26 Nov 2023
In 1918, Proctor and Gamble introduced the first liquid Ivory soap to the market.  The above ad reads… Ivory Soap cleans the hair and scalp thoroughly. Its copious lasting lather...
