17 avr 2023
Last week we introduced an article on the dangers of DMDM (formaldehyde releaser preservative.) We continue. If you are a carpenter, an embalmer, a medical technician, a textile or metal industry, or work in a salon where formaldehyde products are numerous, you are being exposed to more formaldehyde than the average person and could therefore have developed a sensitivity.   Your job is your job,...
09 avr 2023
  DMDM.  Reads like some text abbreviation? It is not. But it should be. DANGEROUS MERCHANDICE DANGEROUS MERCHANDISE.  DMDM  is an antimicrobial formaldehyde releaser preservative. For sure, you have come across it.   You might see it on one of your skin care labels as DMDM Hydantoin. The trade name is Glydant. Confusion reigns as it can also read Dimethyloldimethyl hydantoin or 1,3 dimethylol-5,...
28 fév 2023
She is a compulsive hand washer.  She is only 8 years old and her hands are red and raw. She has OCD and washes her hands to control her fears of touching dirty objects.  Her name is Emma. The past 2 years of masks, mandates and sanitizers have exacerbated Emma’s fears of contamination. Washing is her way of coping. When Emma showed me her hands and arms, I showed her our homemade soaps and...
19 fév 2023
Good things come in small packages. Ask the teen who did not mind hiding behind her mandated mask because she was self-conscious of her skin. Ask the middle-aged librarian who was once embarrassed to serve the public.  Both discovered the Skin Manager. They no longer always opt to hide their smiles. Magically, the Skin Manager helps keep the skin healthy, smooth and clear. Our blend contains...
22 nov 2022
If you fell into a vat of lyeYes, it’s is assumed that you would fryLye is caustic when making a soapSoap makers take caution, at least, we hopeOnce the soap is stirred and set to cureThe lye is gone, the soap is pure.   Are you afraid of lye soaps?  Have you been told they are caustic?  Are you led to believe that other cleansers are better?  While some other cleansers than the ‘lye soap’ do...
18 nov 2022
Spoil MeOil meCream meClean me Skin Care WorldDo it naturallyPleaseMake it toxin freeA simple plea Skin is skin. We may differ in colour, tone and texture. But we all need the same thing. Healthy skin. And sometimes the skin care world is not doing its job. Skin care ads remind us constantly to hydrate and moisturize. The scene is ripe for competition. We are inundated with special creams,...
21 sep 2022
Have you ever witnessed a small child’s delight as s/he becomes one with the cereal bowl, tossing back the last scoops of sumptuous porridge.  AKA oatmeal? Smiles for all!  Perhaps it was an observant Egyptian mother 4000 years ago who first discovered oatmeal as soothing on the skin?   Ovid, one of ancient Rome’s most prolific writers devised skin care recipes with oats over 2000 years ago. ...
17 aoû 2022
Maybe you need emu in your ear.  Maybe you do not.  But if you have ever had an earwax imbalance, or possibly may have one in the future, you should know about emu when earwax is a concern. Earwax is normal. It is not really wax, per se, but the dead skin cells from the ear canal. The ear cleans or revitalizes itself, sloughing off dead cells, called cerumen or earwax. This cleaning job should...
10 juil 2022
You have scalp psoriasis.  Your health care professional advises: ‘A Coal tar shampoo will help ease the symptoms of your psoriasis. But do have regular cancer screening tests.’ You are now caught  between a rock and a hard place. Do you take the risk? You buy the coal tar shampoo. The warning on the label reads: For external use only. Ask a doctor before use if condition covers a large area of...
02 juil 2022
 What if companies joked around. Tossed about the good, the bad and the ugly. Messed with us. Had fun. As in a fictional ad from a purely fictional company called ‘The Cosmetics Con Company’ advertising a purely fictional product called the ‘Best Body Wash Ever.’  The advertisement  Best Body Wash EverThe Cosmetic Con Company Our Ingredients: Upfront and in your face Water (eau), glycerin,...
