“I’m ready!,” she declared," as she entered the store. “It’s not going to be easy, I know. I love my routine. My shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap bar, shower gel. They smell great, lather beautifully. They got the job done. Or so I thought.
But I’ve been duped. I pay too much for stuff I don’t need.
And I ‘ve learned that I am not doing my skin nor my hair any favors.
I watched this Tic Toc video on the benefits of natural soaps. Did you know the chemical additives in my commercial products, even though they often claim they are great, can be quite harmful?
I’m here for a Cleanse Change. I’m going to be a one -stop cleanser. Head to toe. It’s smart. Cost effective. Eco friendly. And more importantly, I’ll be feeding my skin properly. Did you know our skin is the largest organ.? It absorbs everything! Please show me what you have. Make a new me.”
I smiled. “I’m happy to help you. We hand make our own nutritious shampoo/soap bars. The accolades we receive are overwhelmingly positive. Your body, your skin and hair will LOVE you and thank you. And after you choose your cleanser, we can talk moisturizing.”