I am not talking about mopping the floor here. This ‘cleanse’ is a lot more challenging. But anyone can do it.

Think of cleaning inside the body, totally in the dark, with no mop.
You have to trust.

I trust ‘Dr. Joshi’s Holistic Detox’. His 21-day challenge for the inside.

What I like about Dr. Joshi is that he doesn’t demand that you go out and buy a cleansing kit. Most cleanses sell you their product which dictate that you follow their prescribed regime for several weeks. Usually at a cost of about $150-200 dollars.

Dr. Joshi just asks you to eliminate a lot of stuff.

You simply have to pretend you are on a desert island and you DO NOT HAVE any of the following

Red meat
Fruit (there are monkeys on the island so you are allowed bananas)

Obviously there is no Starbucks behind the palm tree. No sugar, chocolates or sweets. No cakes, cookies, biscuits.
No fast food carts rolling across the sand. Forget the foot long hot dogs drowned in mustard, relish and ketchup

The first week you won’t feel so well. You may be tired and crumpy, maybe with headaches and gastro issues. This is the toxins being released.  So don’t plan your cleanse for your honeymoon week.

Keep Dr. Joshi’s book open. Read and grow. As you follow his advice you become alkaline instead of acidic, which is the desirable place to be. You will learn that your body loves this state of being.


You will learn to be creative.
Veggies become your friends. Gluten free pasta becomes the better choice. Books on different ways to cook chicken and fish take on biblical proportions..

Look in the mirror, stick out your tongue and say, “AH
Is it pink or pale, spotted or smooth? This is a portal of discovery to many skin issues and illnesses.

You learn to reprogram your palette.
Shed some unwanted pounds.
Stand a little taller.
Walk with a purpose.

Dr. Joshi’s challenge goes very well with ours. Dr. Joshi's book is called 'Dr. Joshi's Holistic Detox' . (Try the library first!)
So cleanse the body and soul, inside and out.
No reason not to do it all.






