K2 mountain in Central Asia is the second highest peak to Everest. A tough mountain to climb. There is vitamin by the same name. Vitamin K2.
Let’s appreciate its magnificence. Not as majestic as a mountain, and it can be a challenge to find. No one really talks about it. They should.
You have an audience in front of you. Ask if anyone present would like to improve their skin if possible and watch the arms soar upward.
Who wouldn’t want lovely and perfect skin? The global skin care market was valued at $146.7 billion 2 years ago, the USA the leader. Canadians spend an average of $250.00 per year. The public is inundated with skin care ads competing for our dollars.
The skin care industry is always searching for the gold mine and it has finally caught onto K2. Not the mountain. The vitamin. Unlike Vitamin K which is plant sourced, K2 is mostly animal based and found in egg yolk, cheese, beef, chicken etc. but also found in in eel and natto (Japanese Soy bean). And in emu oil.
While an important vitamin to consume, it is also advantageous for the skin.
Vitamin K2 research in skin care denotes that Vitamin K2 (aka as MK-7) helps with scars, stretch marks, dark spots and varicose veins. The skincare industry has clued into this amazing vitamin and has started to synthesise it for topical applications. The synthetic version is called MK-4. The natural remains at MK-7
You can purchase pure natural Vitamin K2, MK7 or menaquione-7. At the time of this article, Bulk Naturals, for example, is advertising it for skin care, the pure K2 oil (MK-7): 2 oz or 60 ml sell for $120.00. As a pure oil, I would imagine it is delicious on the skin.
Earth to Body does not sell the pure K2 oil on its own, but we do sell unrefined emu oil which naturally contains Vitamin K2. MK-7. The amount of K2, along with the amazing fatty acids, is significant.
Emu oil is renowned for the skin to make it smoother and produce that youthful, healthy glow. What is there not to love.
Go ahead. Tell your audience about K2. Not the mountain.The Vitamin. Tell them unrefined emu oil is a great option to source the K2.
You will get a standing ovation. Will it be as satisfying as mastering the summit of the mountain K2? Maybe. Ask your skin.