A customer in Virginia, our southern neighbour,  loves us. Her name is Mary Jane.

“I want to let you know how happy I am with your products.  I have dryness and itching that has not been relieved by many things I have tried.  The dry areas are GREATLY improved.  Here's the unexpected bonus - I haven't had to use the medicated cream for my seborrheic dermatitis for several weeks now, and the milia (dozens of small white bumps on my face) could not get rid of for many years are almost gone!!!  These products go far beyond my expectations and I am singing your praises to anyone who will listen. Happy, happy customer forever!!” 

Good feelings all around. A wonderful testimonial to receive, especially near Easter when everyone enjoys smiling.  Spring elicits warmth and good cheer. While Easter is an important religious occasion for many, it is also a time of  bunnies, colorful eggs, scavenger hunts and family gatherings.

Springtime invites us to look clean, crisp and fresh. Natural skin care can help you achieve that glow.

When we asked Mary Jane how she found us on google, she replied, “

“I was looking for natural, organic, preservative-free products for sensitive skin. I also mentioned itching.  I may have found a link to your company in an article or blog.”

Mary Jane discovered Earth to Body and is happy in her new ‘clean and fresh ‘spring’ skin. You will be too. 

Wishing you a Happy Easter weekend. We encourage you to visit our shop, or peruse us online to find what you need to hop into spring, smiling.

