07 Oct 2021
PFAS are forever. They may be in your shoes. You may be wearing them in your jacket or coat. Especially if water or stain resistance is desired. PFAS’s are in our food packaging,...
28 Sep 2021
I’ll never forget this exuberant teenager marveling about our apple cider vinegar hair rinse. “Omgod” she exclaimed, “I bought your apple cider vinegar hair rinse because I loved...
20 Sep 2021
  Baby bum sore and red.Daddy lifts him out of bed“When you wake up from your dream,I’ll soothe you with a diaper cream.To make you feel clean and calmDaddy trusts this diaper...
08 Sep 2021
My truck was attacked by eggs. Granted, it was stalled at the exit to a traffic lane, in the centre of the Pointe Claire Plaza parking lot, red lights flashing, and most certainly...
01 Sep 2021
Masks can pull double duty. The other day I was able to hide my horror upon seeing this wee poodle dressed up in a tutu, sailing around in a bike basket through a mall parking lot...
24 Aug 2021
If you are young and wild and ill-informed and you see a U tube video on how to get high on mouthwash, you may just decide to indulge. Not the smartest of moves. But there you go...
16 Aug 2021
Chafing is challenging. When skin rubs against skin, or clothing, especially in summer when we have so little control over humidity and heat, the sweat ducks get blocked and those...
15 Aug 2021
We are RV camping Near Karabeka Falls, not far from Thunder Bay. It is a summertime high, crowded with happy campers and hordes of happy mosquitoes. Our neighbours seem to be...
28 Jul 2021
“No, that’s Ok” he said and backed away, “I don’t want to try it.”  I had a small sample of X Cream on a spatula that I was offering to this young teen. He and his girlfriend had...
27 Jul 2021
If I was forced to choose only one product in my skin care arsenal for the rest of my life, it would be emu oil.  First world countries are spoiled. We have too many cosmetics...
