Marge Handford

This will be the first time I have tried this product

Marge, please do contact us if you are unhappy with a product or if you have queries.  We can always refund you.

Sabrina Saer Blanco

This product is incredibleeeeeeee. It makes my skin baby butt smooth and it honestly looks clearer than ever!!!! I've been applying this moisturizer after Earth to Body's toner in the morning, and I re-apply it throughout the day honestly because I just love how it feels on my skin, not because I need to :)
It keeps you moisturized and plump all day long!!! No dry spots whatsoever, just pure dewyness. I even put it on my eyebrows, eyelashes and lips. Amazing :):):):)

We love your spirit, Sabrina. Thank you!

Sabrina Saer Blanco

This neem salve is a LIFE SAVER. I had the most annoying recurring rash under my nostrils that kept coming back EVERY.TIME. no matter how many natural alternatives I tried. Then, one magical day in Ottawa, at a craft show, I found Earth to Body's store, and I saw the neem salve. I had done some light research on the properties of neem and how it's antibacterial but I hadn't tried it. I purchased the neem salve from Earth to Body and man, what a freaking amazing product. It made the rash go away and IT HAS NOT COME BACK SINCE!!!! I obviously went crazy and started applying neem to my entire face.. it would get rid of my monthly hormonal acne breakouts (joys of being a woman), and then I started putting it in my hair. Basically neem is amazing and this salve rocks, I ran out so now I'm going to re-purchase. It lasts a long time as long as you keep it in the fridge!!!!

What a rocking' testimonial, Sabrina!

Holly Tyszka

After I turned 30, my once blemish free skin became overwhelmed with constant acne. I have spent years changing up my beauty routine, looking for a solution. After reading the reviews stating it helped others with their acne I decided to give the toner a try. Let's say, I was thrilled with the results! Within a week, I noticed a huge difference in my skin, and waved the blemishes good-bye! This is now a staple product for me. 

Thank you, Holly.

Wendy, Prince George BC

I love this product.. I have tried everything out there available for psoriasis from natural products to Doctor prescribed. The soap bar is the best I have found to stop the itching and takes the redness out. I also carry a bar in my purse and when my psoriasis start to itch I rub it on dry. I also use it as shampoo, takes away the itch and I find I don't have the frizzes, hair is more manageable. Thank you for a great product.

Wendy, a most interesting solution to use the dry bar when needed. Thank you for the great hint and for loving the bar!


I had the good fortune of browsing through your vendor table at Fair November at the University of Guelph, and I am so thankful. I cannot express how much this shampoo bar has made a difference for me. I have psoriasis, particularily badly on my scalp. It got to the point where it was cracking and bleeding and nothing was helping. I had tried medications, medicated shampoos, creams, and pretty much anything I could get my hands on and I had only been able to reduce it to a "manageable" level. I used the Shampoo Bar ESP once and I literally cried because of how much of a difference it made; almost all of the flakes and scaling were gone. I came back the next day and bought 4 bars, and showed the vendor the before and after picture, and I promised I would write a review! I have to say, it's been just over a month now and my scalp has cleared up almost completely, even though the dry winter weather typically makes flare ups worse. I cannot thank you enough for this product, it has truly made all the difference for me!

We are thrilled you had such great success, Ashlean, and we thank you so very much for the wonderful testimonial.

Catherine in Toronto

Did exactly as indicated on the web re lather and rinsing with vinegar/water solution but added essential oil to the mix. Am very pleased with the hair has more body, holds a wave simply with brushing and feels and looks clean longer. May try other brands out of curiosity but this one is very good. Have used it for six weeks now and won't go back to bottled shampoo. Yeah!

We love the addition of your fav essential oil. Thank you, Catherine.

Michelle Hacksel

Like wearing a flannel blanket on your skin!

Our X Cream is comforting. Thank you, Michelle.

Cathi Krewicki

I have been using this bar for a few years now. I had tried other natural ones before and they just did not work. This one DOES and I love the scent!!

Time tested. Thank you, Cathi.  

Michelle Voykin, Saskatoon, SK

I have had severe eczema for years affecting my hands the most. I have allergies to many chemical preservatives used in cosmetics, cleaners, soaps, lotions etc. Even though I have been dealing with this for years and my house is 'clean' from harmful products, its impossible to not come into contact with the allergens. The palms of my hands were so bad they had cracks (quite painful) and thick dry skin that peeled away. I was using polysporin and cortisone ointments and clean thick cream, but they were not getting better. I found the X Cream at an arts & crafts fair and bought a jar. After 3 days and only using it twice a day the cracks were gone and the thick dry skin was getting better. After 6 days my hands are 99% healed.
Very happy I found the X Cream!

So glad you found us, Michelle.  Thank you for a fine testimonial!


I have psoriasis on my foot and have never been able to find a cream that works. I decided to fork the money and try this cream when I inquired about it at the University of Guelph November Fall Fair. It has been amazing! I apply it twice a day and I have not felt itchy since I started using it and all the scaly skin is gone! This cream is the best thing I have found so far! I love it and highly recommend it!

Thank you, Annik. The X cream is one of our most popular creams!


Rich and luxurious cream. I have very sensitive skin which is constantly getting dried out, especially when the weather gets cold. This cream is fantastic at keeping your skin moisturised but without a hint of greasiness. I keep mine in the fridge and enjoy putting it on twice a day cold, very soothing. Great product which I will definitely buy again! Thanks Earth to Body!!

A heartfelt testimonial. Thank you!

Julie Parker

Met you at the Vancouver Craft fair! Impressive products! Thank you for the tour! I tried your shampoo bar. Wow! Best bar soap! A little produced amazing suds and left my hair squeaky clean and best of all - super manageable! Love the scent too! Can’t wait to try your other products!

And you came back for more! We remember commenting on how great your hair looked. Long hair sometimes takes a transition time. Good to hear your loved it from the start.  Thank you so much for writing, Julie.

Brittany, Ottawa

This has been the ONLY product to reduce, or completely eliminate my cystic acne! This was purchased for me about 5 years ago and I’m just running out now. Purchasing other products to see if I can now be acne free!!! Thank you so much for making the skin manager!!!! Honestly I cannot thank you enough...

Great testimonial, Brittany. We keep hearing 'miracle' stories on the skin manager!

Myrna Medicine Hat

I bought the oil at a Christmas market about 3 weeks ago while I like the oil the lid sucks, the plastic plug doesn’t work is just stuck in the lid.

Myrna, kindly contact us and we will replace the lid. I am not too sure what you mean as the plug is supposed to remain in the lid, but we will most definitely send you a new one.

Kathlynn from Ottawa

I have been using this butter as well as the shargan butter before I go swimming. It is the perfect solution to not absorbing the toxic chlorine from the water in the pool. I spread it all over my body. It creates a barrier to the absorption of the chlorine. Before discovering that I could use it this way, I would smell chlorine on my body for a week after swimming. I am grateful to have such wonderful products! Thanks.

Thank you for adding to our knowledge about this butter. It is one of our most popular products to protect and nourish.

Kathlynn from Ottawa

I have been using this 'butter' before I go for a swim. It is a wonderful way to protect my skin from absorbing the chlorine in the pool water. It works wonderfully. I used to smell chlorine on my skin for a week before I discovered I could use this product to protect my skin from the chemical. Thank you so much!

Thank you for adding to our knowledge about this butter. It is one of our most popular products to protect and nourish. 

Kathlynn from Ottawa

I am so grateful to have found a skin care product that I can use. When I moved from the US back to Canada, I couldn't find the product in Canada that I had been using. I needed a natural product that I didn't have any allergies to. It took me years to find something I could use here in Canada. Finally I found Earth to Body and now I won't use anything else. Thank you so much for your wonderful products!

Kathlynn, thank you for finding us!

Jodi Edwards

I know it should be impossible but your Sheamu Butter is removing my stretch marks!! Love it!

Thank you, Jodi!

Morgan Bartlett

I struggled with bad breakouts on my scalp for a number of years. They would come and go and get worse when I wore my motorcycle helmet. I tried a number of things that didn't work but then read about the wonders of neem oil. After trying this shampoo bar and using pure neem oil on my scalp I was able to get rid of my breakouts. I use this twice daily. Lather up my head, leave it for about 5 minutes and then rinse. My scalp has been clear for a year now! Thank you for great products and customer service!

A clever combo, Morgan.  Neem oil itself can usually be purchased from a health food store (or here, telephone 1-877-414-1300).  You might also try rubbing our neem salve onto the scalp as an alternative to the pure oil. Thank you for sharing.
