
Just ordered the bar shampoo, love the smell and it works wonderfully on my girls, but on me my long hair feels waxy and wet. Is this a transition faze or am I doing something wrong? I really want this bar to replace all the other shampoos and conditioners I buy. I tried rinsing with your apple cider conditioner. No help, will this get better?

Yes, it will get better, Genine.  When this happens it is generally because too much soap lather is being used. The  key is to use very little. Rinse well and continue using the apple cider vinegar once or twice a week. It may take a little practice, but the results will be worth it.  Please do keep us posted.

Steph reddeer Alberta

Love it my fav lip balm just ran out so getting more love this company!

Sweet! Thank you, Steph!


I was very interested in buying this or another of your shampoo bars but am quite dismayed that you use palm oil in many of your products. I thought that your company was Earth-friendly. Palm oil farming is responsible for deforestation and the loss of natural habitat in Indonesia and other countries. You should stop using it and find an alternative.

Hi Debbie, we hear you and appreciate your concerns. We have discontinued using palm oil in any new formulations. While we source sustainable palm oil for use in our original recipes, we are in the process of seeking suitable alternatives for those products.  For soap selection, our Castile Moringa soap and our Charcoal Clay soap are palm oil free.


I am very disappointed in this product. It leaves your hair feeling waxy and tangled.

Hi Angelina,

Shampoo bars can be tricky, especially as very little soap is needed, unlike liquids.  Depending on the hair itself, and the length of the hair, too much soap can leave it feeling heavy.  One needs to experiment if this happens.  Any excess residue can be removed with an apple cider vinegar rinse which is also a great detangler.
Please do call us for a refund.  Absolutely no problem.  Please do enjoy the bar as soap instead.

Marnie, Comox, BC

I have used this product for 4 years on my 4 children and myself. We love it. Never have had a burn. My Mum bought a children's sunscreen in 2016 and took the grandkids for a holiday. That "children's" sunscreen ate all four of my kids goggles. How can that be good for the skin? My Mum now uses Earth to Body sunscreen. It does not eat goggles.

Thank you, Marnie.  We agree.  Goggle eating chemicals cannot be good for the skin!

Kate, Toronto

This is the best shampoo for psoriasis! It really helps and I’ve noticed new hair growing!!! I will purchase this for life! Please don’t ever stop making this!

Thank you!  We promise!

Rebecca, Ontario CA

I absolutely love this stuff! My hair feels great. Definitely will be buying more of this before I run out of my shampoo bar!

We love to hear good feedback.  Thank you, Rebecca

Sudbury ON

Just tried this spray doing my laundry. Added a few drops into the softener dispenser and a few sprays into the dryer. It took away that stale smell of linens that sit too long in your closets.

A great idea! Thank you.


There are no words for this product. Amazing. Does what its suppose to on all levels, BRAVO!!!!

valerie zuliani

Cant say enough about this soap. started off buying one to try and I now just purchased 5 to make sure I dont run out and to give to others as a gift! I have very sensitive itchy skin and it has helped tremendously.I love the clean feel on my face as well. Thank you.

Our charcoal clay soap is now one of our best selling cleansers. Thank you.


I love this oil. It really does work,. I have very sensitive skin and this oil is wonderful so i am now using it around my lips and forehead and I love the glow it provides. The dryness , puffiness and fine lines are diminishing and I feel there is a healthy glow. Thank you for this nourishing natural product.

We love the feedback, Valerie.  Thank you. Many others have also benefited from using this oil all over the face.

Lise, Toronto ON

I decided to give this a try when I saw it at the one of a kind show in Toronto. I used to think I had dandruff but after just one wash with this shampoo my problems were gone. Makes me wonder if the shampoos were actually leaving a residue! After using this shampoo my hair feels cleaner than with any other product. I also love how great my skin feels after using it for shaving and washing as well. It's versatility and bar consistency has made it great for traveling! What a great product!

What a heartfelt testimonial. Thank you, Lise.

Sue from Edmonton AB

I have been using this product for a month now and I really like it. I have used Tom's before and it didn't work at all. I recommend this one.

Love the feedback. Thank you, Sue.


Using Neems salve. Our daughter purchased and sent to us. We love this skin salve and wish to purchase more.

Excellent.  Thank you for sharing.

Suzan, Ottawa ON

Just a short note to let you know that I LOVE your products. I've tried a few (x cream, emu oil, argan oil) over the last year or so, and everything so far has lived up to its promises. The latest success: your shampoo-and-soap bar. I've been struggling with psoriasis on my scalp for years, and tried every shampoo on the market with little or no relief from the itching. But after just one use of your soap, the itching is GONE -- completely. And my hair looks great! Plus it's squeaky clean too -- literally. Most of all, I can't say enough about the relief I finally feel... Thank you for making these amazing products!

The bars ARE very popular.  Thank you for a wonderful testimonial, Suzan

Michelle Pisoni

I have used up my emu oil and I have ordered more! It is so silky and soft. Your neem salve is also phenomenal...I used it on a second degree burn on my hand and it healed quickly with no scarring! I have also started to use it on my feet at night and it has helped reduce my Plantar Fasciitis pain. Your products are pretty amazing so I'm trying more and ordering some for my family too. Thank you!

Much appreciated, Michelle.

Louise Breton, Québec


Annie, Ottawa

I've always had acne, and all the products I have tried in the past were either too harsh for my sensitive skin, or did nothing. The Skin Manager oil has made my skin almost blemish free. I'm so happy to finally have found a natural and gentle product that works! Thank you Earth to Body! Your products are amazing!

Thank you for writing, Annie. As part of our Skin Management program, the Skin Manager remains very popular!

Jun - Edmonton, AB

This tooth paste is extremely sensitive with temperature. In summer, even in the air-conditioned room, it melts like liquid and I spilled content when I opened the rid. I complained to the company and they kindly sent another jar. We are in winter, yet the other day the content changed so soft suddenly, and next day it went back to normal. Once I dropped the jar accidentally and broke the glass jar into pieces. This product also stains tooth brush green. I would suspect you avoid using "stabilizer" - cannot be safe for human body?? yet I think you need to do something to this product, so that no surprise each time we open the jar.

A coconut based tooth cleanser or paste will always be affected by the room temperature.  So yes, it can sometimes be too soft or too hard.  Such is coconut.
As we wish to offer a !00% natural product, we cannot add any chemical stabilizer. Natural products can be challenging. and perhaps, surprising. We also give a detailed account on our tooth cleanser webpage about the texture change that may occur due to temperature.  We always refund if you are not satisfied. No problem.

*When we offered Jun a refund, she opted for a store credit.

Jun - Edmonton, AB

Unfortunately, this deodorant does not do the job - we are in winter, not in sweating season, yet all my clothes stink at the end of the day.

We regret that you did not like the anti-odour bar.  We will gladly refund you, Jun

When we offered Jun a refund, she opted for a store credit.
